I had the pleasure of getting a good metrics-oriented email from Professor Reviel Netz of Stanford Classics the other day, and I thank him for letting me put it up. Regarding my remarks on iambic octameter, he writes (with links added by me, for some metrical terms readers may not be familiar with):
I still doubt that your poem is in octameter. I am not sure octameters exist. This is rather like saying that elegies are written in hendecameter. I do believe your poem is written in tetrameter with a fixed relation between odd and even lines (which has the same character as, say, that of the rhymed lines in heroic couplets). The theoretical reason to doubt the existence of lines above the 6-7 feet length has to do with the assumption that prosodic units are marked by hierarchical structures, so that we have morae - syllables - feet - cola - lines; with each level containing 2-3 constituents from the level underneath it. One can say that it is a matter of terminology, then, where we stop and call a level a "line"; but the recognition of a structural level makes it at least clear that the pentameter in an iambic pentameter, as well as the hexameter in epic, as well as the hexameter in Alexandrine, as well as the classic Russian tetrameter, all belong to the same level, whereas your 16 syllables belong to a higher level.
These are excellent observations and, I believe, quite true, especially as regards the basic, two-part line which structures c. 80% of the verses in the poem. Audiences used to compliment me on my tetrametric (4-foot, 8-syllable) consistency, at which my heart would sink: the idea behind the meter was to develop a line of a weight equal to Homer's dactylic hexameter, not to pair courtly tetrameters (as much as I appreciate that mode).
But I think Prof. Netz is right to note that we are dealing with a question of terminology. Certainly, it is the case that the dactylic hexameter --
~ u u ~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ u u ~ ~ [or]
~ u u ~ u u ~ u | u ~ u u ~ u u ~ ~ [with ~=long, u=short]
-- was, in the hands of the skilled Alexandrian and Roman poets, a complete unity; this is why we speak of hyperbaton and not enjambment; indeed, a Latin hexameter (or pentameter for that matter) is hardly a hexameter without necessary hyperbaton.
Nevertheless, I believe the startling regularity with which the Homeric hexameter breaks its lines at the medial caesura (I forget the exact figure, but it's over 80%; and the remaining 20% might also qualify if we allow for artistic overstepping of the caesura; it's really only Rising Threefolders [~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ ~] that break the pattern) is traceable to the very origins of the hexameter, as suggested both by Nagy and West: the original independent metrical unit, expressing a single thought in (usually) two morae, and which has come to be called a colon, and which would have fit Prof. Netz's definition of a "line" (on par with Russian tetrameter, for instance), would have been something like:
x x ~ u u ~
evolving into something like
~ u u ~ u u ~ [a hemiepes]
give or take a syllable at the beginning or end. These would then have been paired in a manner characteristic of Indoeuropean poetry (and other poetries) in general -- a sort of couplet. For instance, in Beowulf, we find the line (101):
But I think Prof. Netz is right to note that we are dealing with a question of terminology. Certainly, it is the case that the dactylic hexameter --
~ u u ~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ u u ~ ~ [or]
~ u u ~ u u ~ u | u ~ u u ~ u u ~ ~ [with ~=long, u=short]
-- was, in the hands of the skilled Alexandrian and Roman poets, a complete unity; this is why we speak of hyperbaton and not enjambment; indeed, a Latin hexameter (or pentameter for that matter) is hardly a hexameter without necessary hyperbaton.
Nevertheless, I believe the startling regularity with which the Homeric hexameter breaks its lines at the medial caesura (I forget the exact figure, but it's over 80%; and the remaining 20% might also qualify if we allow for artistic overstepping of the caesura; it's really only Rising Threefolders [~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ | u u ~ u u ~ ~] that break the pattern) is traceable to the very origins of the hexameter, as suggested both by Nagy and West: the original independent metrical unit, expressing a single thought in (usually) two morae, and which has come to be called a colon, and which would have fit Prof. Netz's definition of a "line" (on par with Russian tetrameter, for instance), would have been something like:
x x ~ u u ~
evolving into something like
~ u u ~ u u ~ [a hemiepes]
give or take a syllable at the beginning or end. These would then have been paired in a manner characteristic of Indoeuropean poetry (and other poetries) in general -- a sort of couplet. For instance, in Beowulf, we find the line (101):
fyrene fremman : feond on helle
[to fashion evils, that fiend of hell]
[to fashion evils, that fiend of hell]
Thus, in Steisichorus, we find the altogether unimaginable (for Homer) scheme:
~ u u ~ u u ~ | u ~ u u ~ u u ~ ~
and similar syllable-variation at the beginning and at the caesura, surely pointing to a phase in which the first half-line and the second half-line had not been welded together into the regular Homeric hexameter. (I believe no one has ever studied this on a formulaic level -- hearken, fellow young Homerists, this would be very interesting!)
So, what are we to call the un-hyperbaton-ised Homeric hexameter? A line (in Prof. Netz's excellent terms) with two cola, or rather two lines welded together? Is it perhaps somewhere in between, with lines like
[He is mighty among the Argives, and the Achaeans obey him]
being (diachronically, but also synchronically) two lines welded together, and lines like
[Who now claims to be by far the best of the Achaeans]
being complete wholes, and thus single "lines" all by themselves? Prof. Netz is entirely right that my "iambic octameter" is only octameter in the sense that I.80 above is true hexameter, as we know it from a later period; but full Steisichorean freedom (allowing feminine end in the first half line but beginning the second with an unaccented syllable) does not work with my verse -- indeed, I've noticed that the odd slip in this regard distracts the audience out of its semi-hypnosis. Perhaps I'm exploiting the grey area between line and colon?
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